"Verbatim" option
2008-12-01 10:47:54 UTC
using plone trunk and the chameleon buildout, I found that Plone
breaks when trying to add a new ``Page`` because of KUPU.

I found that rendering the ``drawer.xsl`` breaks using chameleon,
because they clash with chameleon's $-interpolation (they **do**
use TAL in other places in this file, so it needs to be rendered by

<xsl:template match="resource|collection" mode="image-view">
<xsl:variable name="p" select="preview"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:when test="media='flash'">
<object src="{$p}" data="{$p}" type="application/x-
width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="{$p}" />

I talked to malthe, and I'd like to implement a ``verbatim`` option,
used like this::

<xsl:template match="resource|collection" mode="image-view"
<xsl:variable name="p" select="preview"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:when test="media='flash'">
<object src="{$p}" data="{$p}" type="application/x-
width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="{$p}" />

This would cause chameleon to output that node and it's children
verbatim, not interpreting them.

Any thoughts?


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Wichert Akkerman
2008-12-01 11:16:09 UTC
Post by seletz
using plone trunk and the chameleon buildout, I found that Plone
breaks when trying to add a new ``Page`` because of KUPU.
I found that rendering the ``drawer.xsl`` breaks using chameleon,
because they clash with chameleon's $-interpolation (they **do**
use TAL in other places in this file, so it needs to be rendered by
Why does chameleon do $-expansion in zpt? That's a Genshi feature.
Post by seletz
I talked to malthe, and I'd like to implement a ``verbatim`` option,
<xsl:template match="resource|collection" mode="image-view"
<xsl:variable name="p" select="preview"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:when test="media='flash'">
<object src="{$p}" data="{$p}" type="application/x-
width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="{$p}" />
This would cause chameleon to output that node and it's children
verbatim, not interpreting them.
Any thoughts?

fixing an incompatibility by adding an extra option does not feel like
the right approach. It's similar to how IE8 is adding a 'really follow
standards' flag: evil.


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Malthe Borch
2008-12-01 11:56:23 UTC
Post by Wichert Akkerman
Why does chameleon do $-expansion in zpt? That's a Genshi feature.
Yes, it's a Genshi-feature, but it's been present in ``chameleon.zpt``
for a long time now.

I would not necessarily be opposed to disabling/removing it for
z3c.pt, but it's very convenient for ``chameleon.zpt``.

I do admit that it's a bit confusing that Chameleon would have the
$-operator whereas ZPT wouldn't. But I think it's a matter of


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Wichert Akkerman
2008-12-01 12:31:32 UTC
Post by Malthe Borch
Post by Wichert Akkerman
Why does chameleon do $-expansion in zpt? That's a Genshi feature.
Yes, it's a Genshi-feature, but it's been present in ``chameleon.zpt``
for a long time now.
I would not necessarily be opposed to disabling/removing it for
z3c.pt, but it's very convenient for ``chameleon.zpt``.
That sounds like a sensible approach. I don't think it can be enabled in
z3c.pt/five.pt since they should be fully compatible with stock TAL.


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Stefan Eletzhofer
2008-12-02 13:45:10 UTC
Post by Wichert Akkerman
Post by Malthe Borch
Post by Wichert Akkerman
Why does chameleon do $-expansion in zpt? That's a Genshi feature.
Yes, it's a Genshi-feature, but it's been present in
for a long time now.
I would not necessarily be opposed to disabling/removing it for
z3c.pt, but it's very convenient for ``chameleon.zpt``.
That sounds like a sensible approach. I don't think it can be
enabled in z3c.pt/five.pt since they should be fully compatible with
stock TAL.
I've just committed the relevant changes on ``z3c.pt`` trunk. I've
changed ``chameleon.zpt`` to allow the interpolation be switched on or
off using ``meta:interpolation="true|false"``.

For ``chameleon.zpt`` this defaults to ``true``, and for ``z3c.pt`` this
defaults to ``false``.

I'm now testing this on plone-trunk, where it failed originally.


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Malthe Borch
2008-12-01 12:22:13 UTC
Post by seletz
I found that rendering the ``drawer.xsl`` breaks using chameleon,
because they clash with chameleon's $-interpolation (they **do**
use TAL in other places in this file, so it needs to be rendered by
An alternative solution to this problem would be to require curly
braces in ``chameleon.zpt``:

e.g. ${name}, not $name.

Currently, both forms are supported (like Genshi).


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Paul Everitt
2008-12-01 12:24:19 UTC
Post by Malthe Borch
Post by seletz
I found that rendering the ``drawer.xsl`` breaks using chameleon,
because they clash with chameleon's $-interpolation (they **do**
use TAL in other places in this file, so it needs to be rendered by
An alternative solution to this problem would be to require curly
e.g. ${name}, not $name.
Currently, both forms are supported (like Genshi).
FWIW, I didn't even realize the non-curly form was supported by ZPT.

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Paul Everitt
2008-12-01 12:22:56 UTC
If it matters, we (which most likely means, me) could rewrite the XSLT
to not use the attribute-value-template syntax, and instead use the
more verbose "<xsl:attribute>" syntax. This would get rid of dollar
signs in the XSLT.

Post by seletz
using plone trunk and the chameleon buildout, I found that Plone
breaks when trying to add a new ``Page`` because of KUPU.
I found that rendering the ``drawer.xsl`` breaks using chameleon,
because they clash with chameleon's $-interpolation (they **do**
use TAL in other places in this file, so it needs to be rendered by
<xsl:template match="resource|collection" mode="image-view">
<xsl:variable name="p" select="preview"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:when test="media='flash'">
<object src="{$p}" data="{$p}" type="application/x-
width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="{$p}" />
I talked to malthe, and I'd like to implement a ``verbatim`` option,
<xsl:template match="resource|collection" mode="image-view"
<xsl:variable name="p" select="preview"></xsl:variable>
<xsl:when test="media='flash'">
<object src="{$p}" data="{$p}" type="application/x-
width="100" height="100">
<param name="movie" value="{$p}" />
This would cause chameleon to output that node and it's children
verbatim, not interpreting them.
Any thoughts?
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