chameleon.genshi in zope2?
Wichert Akkerman
2008-11-16 21:55:45 UTC
I see a fair bit of chameleon.zpt related work for Zope2. What is the
status of genshi support for Zope2?

Wichert Akkerman<***@wiggy.net> It is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/ It is hard to make things simple.

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Malthe Borch
2008-11-16 22:00:58 UTC
Post by Wichert Akkerman
I see a fair bit of chameleon.zpt related work for Zope2. What is the
status of genshi support for Zope2?
It should be a simple matter to use the Genshi parser. However, the
derived template classes should be simplified a bit; right now, they
are actually wrapping an internal template instance––a design I'm
unhappy with.


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